Hatha Yoga Classes
with Sonia Sumar (Sivakami)
with Sonia Sumar (Sivakami)
Yoga for the Special Child wants you to find and embrace your inner peace this year!
We know that a peaceful mind can be achieved if you work on it day by day. Consistently. A first step in getting there is by having a relaxed nervous system and a healthy body.
Class will be available to be watched again and again for 30 days after you sign up.
Sign up now—you deserve this practice!
In this class, Sonia works with fewer asanas and more focus on relaxation and restoration
During asana, different poses to help you to work on your hips and develop flexibility.
Work Chandra Namaskar step-by-step and also have a guided neck self massage to release tension and help to improve your practice.
In this class, Sivakami focus on working on balance and focus. Always follow by a nice deep relaxation! (no asanas in this class)
Developing hips and back awareness in forward bends.
Connection with your higher self. A special class with focus on pranayama and yoganidra. (no asanas in this class)
In this class, we will work on the asanas portion with a little more intensity. Always followed by a nice pranayama and deep relaxation practice.
A special class working on surya and chandra namaskar, balance poses and a special meditation with the Japa Mala.
A special NEW class to focus on your capacity of following instructions with fewer demonstrations.
NEW Hatha Yoga class